Search9 Results
- Knowledge Base
- Password Reset, Accounts, and Security Access
- Fresno State Box
Out of space on your PC, This article will explain how to store data in the cloud using BOX.
- Knowledge Base
- Electronic Forms - Peoplesoft, Onbase, My Fresnostate
- Portal
How to customize your Homepage on Web-Portal.
- Knowledge Base
- Electronic Forms - Peoplesoft, Onbase, My Fresnostate
- Portal
Here is an overview of the "" Web-Portal layout.
- Knowledge Base
- Password Reset, Accounts, and Security Access
- G Suite
Email expiring? This article covers technology services student email expiration policy.
- Knowledge Base
- Password Reset, Accounts, and Security Access
- G Suite
Email expiring? This article covers technology services staff and faculty email expiration policy.
- Knowledge Base
- Computer, Printers, Desktop Software, and Accessories
- Computer Software
Getting the message "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac." This article will walk you through the process of fixing this issue.
- Knowledge Base
- Computer, Printers, Desktop Software, and Accessories
- Computer Software
Having issues using Office 365 after switching to your Fresno State account? This article provides information about resolving this issue.
- Knowledge Base
- Password Reset, Accounts, and Security Access
- Passwords
This article covers how to reset your password online.
- Knowledge Base
- Password Reset, Accounts, and Security Access
Are you an Alumni? Are you wondering what accounts you can keep after graduating? This article contains information containing which accounts will remain active with Fresno State after graduation and which will be retired.