"My.FresnoState.edu" Portal Overview

"My.FresnoState.edu" Portal Overview

Fresno State University, my-fresnostate-portal, account.

Article Summary:
Here is an overview of the "My.Fresnostate.edu" Web-Portal layout. 

Please note that the video may look different to current my.fresnostate.edu portal due to recent updates and changes.

  • You will sign in using your username & password.
  • Once signed in you will get into a tile based interface. This is now called My Home Page.
  • You may see different titles on your homepage, depending on your role, whether you're a student, faculty, staff or any combination.
  • The other links may be accessed by searching them in the search bar located on the top of your screen. 
  • If you want to customize your home page and have, for example, the G suite tile to be on your home page you can do that as well.

Additional Information:
For more information please see our "personalizing "My Homepage" in the new My.FresnoState.edu Portal" knowledge base article. 

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: my-fresnostate, portal, account 

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