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    This document provides instructions for installing Duo app on your mobile device for two-factor authentication (2FA)
    This article will outline how to download, install and connect to the Global Protect VPN that is supported by Fresno State University.
    This article addresses Technology Services Windows Updates and Restart Behavior Policy, based on CSU Fresno Security Guidelines.
    MacOS Updates and Restart Behavior Policy, based on CSU Fresno Security Guidelines
    This article outlines FAQs regarding Qualys and it's use on campus.
    This article outlines how to protect University Data while working remotely. This article also outlines Fresno State's three different levels of data content.
    This article summarizes Additional Security Resources and Information used by the campus.
    This document provides instructions for logging into Duo using a Hardware Token.
    This article outlines Level 1 Google Security and how it is implemented on Fresno State's Campus.
    This article covers what privacy and security will Google provide to CSU Faculty, Staff, and Students with regards to any thing uploaded to the Google cloud.
    Forgot or lost your phone? Need a hardware token, this article outlines where to pickup a Duo Hardware token on campus.
    This article outlines the process to agree with the Confidentiality Agreement required on a yearly basis.
    This article provides troubleshooting tips for VPN on Apple Computers
    This article covers how to reset your password online.