Downloading, installing and connecting to Global Protect VPN for windows.
Fresno State University, Remote Work, VPN
Article Summary:
This article will outline how to download, install and connect to the Global Protect VPN that is supported by Fresno State University.
This knowledge base article is about connecting your Windows device to the Fresno State VPN service using Global Protect.
Downloading Global Protect
- Open your Web-Browser and navigate to Once you are on the webpage you will log in using your Fresno State User name and Password. This is the same User name and password that you use to log into your Fresno State computer or laptop.
- Once logged in you will now be asked what version of Global Protect you want to download. For Windows computers you can select one of the two options, Windows 32 bit Global Protect agent, or Windows 64 bit Global Protect agent. The majority of Windows computers will be using the 64 bit Global Protect agent.
If you do not know what version of Windows you are running you may call the Service Desk at 559-278-5000 for more help.
- Once you click on the link the download dialog box will pop up.
- Choose your preferred download location. "downloads" is the windows default location.
- Use the default file name or rename to something you prefer.
- Click the save button to begin the download.
Install Global Protect
- Once the download completes, navigate to the download location and double click the global protect file to begin the install process.
- A new window will appear that should say "Welcome to Global Protect Setup Wizard. On the new window click "NEXT" button.
- You next be prompted by the "install location folder" dialog box. This box will ask you where you want to install this application. We recommend the default location. After selected where the application will be installed please click the next button.
- You will then be asked to Confirm the installation, please click the next button again.
- The application will now start installing. This should only take a few minutes. After the application is finished installed please click the close button.
Using Global Protect
- You have now installed Global Protect. To start up Global protect you will click on the world icon in the lower right corner of the Windows bar next to the clock. In the Global Protect window enter the portal address
- Click Connect and you will see see the icon change to Connecting.
- While the Global Protect is connecting you will get a pop up Web-Browser window taking you to our Campus Login Service webpage. Please login with your Fresno State user name and password. After successfully logging in your VPN connection will connect.
- To confer that you are connected on the Windows bar please click on the world icon. After clicking the world icon you should see a small pop up box saying connected.
Again, please ensure you have a solid Internet connection prior to attempting to connect to the VPN.
To disconnect, open the Global Protect app and click disconnect as shown above
Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000.
TAGS: Security, VPN, Windows