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    This document provides instruction for connecting to Eduroam on a Mac
    Have a gaming system, live on campus, this article will show you how to setup your system on the WIFI network.
    Have an Ipad, or Iphone follow these instructions to connect your IOS device to Eduroam.
    Using a Windows 10 device this article will show you how to connect to Eduroam
    Article to remove Eduroam Wi-Fi profile a Mac device.
    This article covers how you can disconnect from the Fresno State Eduroam Wi-Fi network.
    If you are using an Android device these steps will help you connect to our Eduroam WiFi network.
    If you are using a Windows 11 computer this article will help you connect to Eduroam.
    Removing Eduroam from your IOS devices in 5 easy steps.