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    Services or Offerings?
    Integration and support of campus wide, third party, external, and vendor systems, primarily in relation to PeopleSoft.

    Request a new Adobe Sign account or support for an Adobe Sign issue.

    Bulldog Connect, EAB Navigate, is a cloud-based student support tool that helps faculty and staff connect with students and one another to support students.

    Canvas is the LMS tool that Fresno State offers for all instructors to use for their classes.

    Report problems with the technology infrastructure (projectors, speakers, etc.) of a classroom or meeting room.

    Request for service for computer hardware failure or request for service if an existing installed application is not working correctly.

    Concur is the travel management software used by Fresno State.

    Service request for device installations or relocating computer workstations from one place to another, both temporary and permanent moves.

    Digital document creation, testing, remediation; Web testing & remediation; Video captioning; audio transcription; accessible Zoom meetings and classrooms.

    Kuali Build is a drag-and-drop form and workflow automation tool that can help optimize campus business processes and improve process transparency. With its accessible and easy-to-use portal and low-code or no-code form and workflow building process, anyone on campus can start BUILD-ing today!

    Service request for mobile device setup, i.e. cell phones, tablets, with University Wifi.