Device Installation or Move Request

This service request is intended for all newly received IT equipment that needs to be installed or for any existing IT equipment that needs to be moved from one location to another. If there are multiple computers being moved as a part of building/office renovations or relocations; a separate facilities management work order is required for the move. Technology Services will disconnect and reconnect the devices.

Who can request this service?

Fresno State faculty and staff can request this service.  Please provide if possible at least a week notice for one computer and a month notice for department disconnect and reconnect.  

How do I request this service?

Please click the Request Service button located in the upper-right-hand corner of this screen and submit a request.

How much does the service cost?

There is no cost for this service unless additional data infrastructure is required. If infrastructure is required, a scope of work and a quote will be prepared and provided to the organization before the computer move is made. If a computer and phone had already been at this location - more than likely, additional costs will not be involved.

Can I move my own computer?

No.  For one or two computers the best practice is having a Technology Services technician complete the work. If there are multiple computers being moved as a part of office renovations; a separate facilities work order is required for the move. Technology Services will disconnect and reconnect the device. When TS moves your computer, we can accurately track its physical location and the network to which it is connected.

My computer has been moved, can I move my phone?

Yes, please coordinate with your Division/College IT Liaison

What if I have to move keyboard trays or cubicle walls?

Fresno State Facilities Management is responsible for large office moves and furniture modification. Please fill out their service request form.

Who can I contact for more help?

Customers are encouraged to call the Technology Services Help Desk at 559-278-5000 for additional assistance. Customers can also access our online knowledge base for self-service content.

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