Frequently Asked Questions for Zoom Authentication.
Fresno State University, Zoom, Zoom Authentication
Article Summary:
Here is the list of Zoom Authentication Frequently Asked Questions.
Please Note: This applies to all Faculty, Staff, and Students.
(Q.) What is Zoom Authentication?
(A.) Zoom authentication is a process of identifying users that request access to a system or network, in this case Zoom. After August 2nd, If a participant does not have a valid Fresno State Zoom account or they have not been added to an exception list and granted access to a meeting by the host, they will not be able to join the meeting or webinar.
(Q.) Why Use Authentication With Zoom?
(A.) Requiring hosts and attendees to authenticate will make all Zoom meetings more secure and virtually eliminate disruptions like "Zoom Bombing" or other types of unwarranted behavior that has been experienced by many over the initial integration of Zoom. Authentication also provides a host with an attendees true Fresno State first and last name in the meeting participants list.
(Q.) I am trying to attend a meeting and Zoom is not letting me join. I have sent the meeting host an email but still cannot join the event. What do I do to resolve this?
(A.) It is very important that you have signed into your Zoom account in the correct way. If you are not signed in correctly, the Zoom meeting will not be able to confirm your account which is likely the reason you cannot join the meeting. Please see the following Knowledge Base article: How to Sign-in to Zoom at Fresno State
(Q.) I have a guest speaker that I have invited to my class. Will I still be able to have this guest take part in the Zoom meeting?
(A.) Yes! Each meeting can be configured to allow ANY outside user via the “Authentication Exception” option. See the following Knowledge Base article: Adding Authentication Exceptions for Zoom Meetings
(Q.) I understand that Fresno State will require authentication as of August 2nd 2021 for scheduled meetings and webinars. Will authentication be required for my personal Zoom meetings (which is not a scheduled meeting)?
(A.) Yes, Authentication will be required but you can still use the “Add exceptions option to allow an outside user to participate in the meeting.
(Q.) I am using Zoom to host a community event that will be attended by members of the public. How will I host this type of event now that authentication is enabled for all meetings and webinars?
(A.) Hosting a Zoom event with public users is still available. You have 2 options to allow public users to join the meeting/webinar.
OPTION 1 - Stream the Event live via YouTube. All Fresno State Zoom users have the ability to host a Zoom event and simultaneously stream it via YouTube. This allows for a world-wide reach, no authentication requirements, and no need to have attendees download and configure Zoom software.
OPTION 2 - Disable Authentication for the individual event.
IMPORTANT: By disabling authentication, you will have the freedom to open your events to a broad range of attendees. This of course opens your event to a number of possible issues. You will be required to take the appropriate steps to minimize the possibilities of unwanted behavior like Zoom Bombing.
Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000.
TAGS: Login, Zoom, Zoom-Authentication FAQ's