Role-Based Account Services

Use this service to request to request a(n):

  • New Role-Based account
  • Extension on an existing Role-Based account
  • Termination of an existing RBA
  • Change to an existing RBA

Role-Based Accounts are valid for one year from their date of creation and must have a request for an extension submitted to extend the life of the account annually.

Who can request this service?

Fresno State faculty and staff can request this service. Faculty or staff may request an account for use by students in their area, but neither students nor prospective students may request an RBA.

How do I request this service?

Please click the Request Service button located in the upper-right-hand corner of this screen and submit a request.

How much does the service cost?

There is no charge associated with this service.

Who can I contact for more help?

Customers are encouraged to call the Technology Services Help Desk at 559-278-5000 for additional assistance. Customers can also access our online knowledge base for self-service content.