Subject: FAQ

Fresno State University,, portal 

Article Summary:
Frequently Asked Questions about Portal

My.FresnoState Portal FAQ

Q: Where can I find Canvas, Bulldog Connect and other campus systems?
A: All campus systems are located together in the new My.FresnoState portal. To access them, click on “My Homepage” at the top of the portal to see the menu. Select “Campus Systems”.

Q: My page looks odd or the buttons do not work?
A: This happens sometimes when the web browser cookies and cache get “confused”.  Use Google (or your preferred browser search tool) to search for instructions on how to clean out your browser cookies and cache from your browser history. After you clear the cookies/cache, remember to completely close and restart your browser.

Q: How come when I press on some of the icons nothing seems to happen?
A: Some icons (ex: Canvas, GSuite, etc.) open new browser tabs or windows (pop-ups). If you click on the Tile, and you have popup blockers enabled, the window will not open, and it may look like nothing happens. Use Google (or your preferred browser search tool) to search for instructions on how to enable pop-ups for your browser (ex: on iPad Safari: Open Settings app, tap "Safari", swipe switch to left to turn off "Block Pop-ups")

Q: Does the new My.FresnoState Portal work on tablets and mobile phones?
A: The new My.FresnoState Portal is a desktop application. It is not fully functional on mobile devices at this time. For best results, definitely access the portal from your desktop or laptop.

Q: When I try to login to My.FresnoState Portal I get this page: "You currently do not have access to log into the My Fresno State Portal."
A: If you are NOT a CURRENT Faculty, CURRENT Staff, or CURRENT or Past Student (in the last 5 years), then this means that you do not have access to the Portal.  If you are a CURRENT Faculty, Staff, or  Student, or a Past Student (in the last 5 years), then there may be a web browser issue. This happens sometimes when the web browser cookies and cache get “confused”.  Use Google (or your preferred browser search tool) to search for instructions on how to clean out your browser cookies and cache from your browser history. After you clear the cookies/cache, remember to completely close and restart your browser.

Q: Why don’t I see some of the Icons that other people do?
A: All the icons that show are based on how you are identified in the system.  Example: If you are a Faculty Member, you may see a Faculty Center icon.  If you are a Student, you may see a Student Center icon.

Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: my-fresnostate, portal, account 

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