Guidelines for using ChatGPT for education purposes

Guidelines for using ChatGPT for education purposes

Fresno State University, ChatGPT - 

Article Summary:
Guiding Principles for using ChatGPT for education purposes.

Can I use ChatGPT for education purposes?

The simple answer is yes, you can use ChatGPT for educational purposes. the longer answer is a bit more involved. Fresno State has general guidelines when using ChatGPT as well as guiding principles. These principles include but are not limited to; Ethical use, Integrity, Transparency, Accountability, Fairness, Security and Privacy.

Please use the link below to see the Guiding Principles for using ChatGPT for student, faculty and staff.

Additional Information:

Need additional information or assistance? Please see the following web portal dedicated to ChatGPT EDU or Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000

TAGS: ChatGPT, AI, openAI