Is Using ChatGPT free?
Fresno State University, ChatGPT
Article Summary:
A brief overview on the cost of using ChatGPT at Fresno State
What is the cost of using ChatGPT?
Can I use ChatGPT at Fresno State for free?
Yes, it is free for Fresno State Students, Faculty, and Staff, there is no cost to you personally or your department for the plan purchased through the Chancellor's Office for all employees and students.
NOTE: You can still always use ChatGPT web portal directly without logging in with your Fresno State Account but you will not have access to the powerful tools as well as other AI models available if using your Fresno State account.
For more information about ChatGPT and the CSU please see the following webpage dedicated to ChatGPT Edu at Fresno State.
Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Please see the following web portal dedicated to ChatGPT EDU or Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000
TAGS: ChatGPT, AI, openAI