How to Submit a PeopleSoft Support Ticket

How to Submit a PeopleSoft Support Ticket

Fresno State University, PeopleSoft, Paws-Request

Article Summary:
Wondering how to submit a PeopleSoft Support Ticket? This knowledge base article provides steps on how to submit a PeopleSoft support ticket!


PeopleSoft Support Service is used to:

a) Request new or changes to existing reports & processes.
b) Request help with 3rd party vendor integration.
c) Request help with analysis, consulting and customer service.
d) Report issues with any or PeopleSoft areas: Human Resources, Campus Solutions, Financials and My Fresno State Portal.

1. Submit a TeamDynamix Ticket

  1. Sign into
  2. Click on the "PeopleSoft Support Requests" tile.
  3. Click on the "PeopleSoft Request -TDX" menu item. 
  4. Once clicked, it will prompt you to a new page. Click on 'Request Service" button.
  5. Type in a short description to explain the nature of a ticket in the Request Title box.
  6. Select the type PeopleSoft area.
  7. Select the PeopleSoft Sub-Area.
  8. In the Description box, provide all relevant information for this request and the justification for why it is needed.
  9. To submit your request, click on Request. You will receive an automated email with your ticket number. 

2. Add Comments to your Ticket 

  1. Click on "View the request you just created".
  2. Click on Comment.
  3. Select the people icon, enter a comment and save.

3. Modify your Submitted Request

  1.  To modify the original request, click on Update.
  2. Scroll down and make the modifications. When done click on save 

4. Closed Tickets 

  1. Once your ticket is closed, you will receive an email notification letting you know that your request has been completed. 

Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: PeopleSoft, Paws-Request, PeopleSoft-Tickets