How to Submit a PeopleSoft Support Ticket
Fresno State University, PeopleSoft, Paws-Request
Article Summary:
Wondering how to submit a PeopleSoft Support Ticket? This knowledge base article provides steps on how to submit a PeopleSoft support ticket!
PeopleSoft Support Service is used to:
a) Request new or changes to existing reports & processes.
b) Request help with 3rd party vendor integration.
c) Request help with analysis, consulting and customer service.
d) Report issues with any or PeopleSoft areas: Human Resources, Campus Solutions, Financials and My Fresno State Portal.
1. Submit a TeamDynamix Ticket
- Sign into
- Click on the "PeopleSoft Support Requests" tile.
- Click on the "PeopleSoft Request -TDX" menu item.
- Once clicked, it will prompt you to a new page. Click on 'Request Service" button.
- Type in a short description to explain the nature of a ticket in the Request Title box.
- Select the type PeopleSoft area.
- Select the PeopleSoft Sub-Area.
- In the Description box, provide all relevant information for this request and the justification for why it is needed.
- To submit your request, click on Request. You will receive an automated email with your ticket number.
2. Add Comments to your Ticket
- Click on "View the request you just created".
- Click on Comment.
- Select the people icon, enter a comment and save.
3. Modify your Submitted Request
- To modify the original request, click on Update.
- Scroll down and make the modifications. When done click on save
4. Closed Tickets
- Once your ticket is closed, you will receive an email notification letting you know that your request has been completed.
Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000.
TAGS: PeopleSoft, Paws-Request, PeopleSoft-Tickets