Step 1. Login Page
Click Login and proceed with the Fresno State Authentication process.
Note: You can also click on the “Apporto Virtual Lab” link in your CANVAS Navigation Modules.
Step 2. Apporto App Store - Click “launch” on the Application that you want to use.
The List of Available Apps: TDClient/1922/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=105057
Step 3. Apporto Desktop - If the App you have chosen does not automatically open, please double-click to open and use the apps that you normally access in your computer lab. Tip: You can also log- o?, then launch the app again if it does not launch the first time.
Uploading and Downloading Files You can quickly upload and download your files using the upload/download tool enduser/uploading-a-file
Cloud Mounter
For larger files and folders, You can connect your Cloud Drive using Cloud Mounter. Please follow the instructions in this link from Apporto’s Help Center, or watch the video. enduser/work-cloud-storage
Copy, Paste, Drag and Drop enduser/copying-and-pasting-to-a- remote-computer
Printing a File enduser/print-file-pdf
Collaboration and Sharing Screens (If enabled) enduser/collaborating-with-other-users
Using Messenger to Communicate enduser/using-messenger
Tips and Notes
You have a persistent desktop with Apporto. So if you save your files on the desktop, they will stay there next time you login.
Use the tools on top of the window to upload and download your files to your desktop or documents folder.
You can also login to your Google Drive using the Chrome browser to copy your files to the desktop and work on them.
If you forget to log-o?, you will automatically be disconnected after 20 minutes of inactivity. Please save your work in order to continue later. Work not saved could be lost.
Watch our Apporto Video Guide and Tour on YouTube link below.
Recommended Network Speed
To ensure an optimal experience with Apporto, make sure you have a high bandwidth, low latency internet connection. If you have a poor network connection, response times may be slow and images may appear pixelated.
For most applications, performance is good over wifi if latency is less than 100ms. Bandwidth is typically not a limiting factor.
For graphics-intensive applications, like SolidWorks and GIMP, we recommend using a wired network connection instead of wifi, ideally with bandwidth of 1.5 Mbps or greater and latency less than 50ms.
For video, we recommend a bandwidth of 3 Mbps for regular video or 5 Mbps for HD and latency less than 50ms.
For graphics-intensive apps like SolidWorks, Unreal Engine, Premiere, etc. Cabled connections are recommended.
Check Your Speed and latency using this link below,
Requirements to use Apporto:
FAQ link:
More How-to-Videos and Resource Page TDClient/1922/Portal/KB/ArticleDet?ID=113915
A device that has an HTML5-supporting browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, MS Explorer, Edge, and Mozilla support HTML5.
Internet Connection (1.5mbps or faster is recommended)
It is useful to have a keyboard and pointing device
Etiquette and Considerations
Please practice consideration of others and log o? your session when you are done. Do not stay logged in longer than you need. This will allow others to use the virtual lab and conserve available virtual seats.
We recommend using Apporto for apps that you do not already have access to on your local device. So if you have Word or Excel on your device already, please try not to use those apps in the virtual lab to conserve resources for others to use.