Find and view your submitted tickets


This article will show you how to view your submitted tickets with TeamDynamix as well as the details of the ticket. We will also show you some options you have as the ticket submitter once you have the details of your request.


Find and view you submitted tickets

Fresno State University - TeamDynamix - Tickets

Article Summary:
This article will show you how to view your submitted tickets with TeamDynamix as well as the details of the ticket. We will also show you some options you have as the ticket submitter once you have the details of your request.


NOTE: You must be signed into TeamDynamix when the ticket is submitted in order for it to show up in this location!!

1. Navigate to and Sign-In

2. Locate the 'View My Tickets' button and left click on it.

3. A new search window will open. There are several fields you can use to refine the tickets that show up in your search results. Fill in your fields as needed and continue.

Note: by default, you will only see your tickets after searching.

4. Once you find the ticket you are looking for, Click on the title to see the ticket details.

5. After clicking on the title of the ticket you will be taken to the ticket details page. From this page you may see the following button options, Withdraw Request and Add attachments. Also, if you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will see the option, Comment.

Let's cover what these options mean.

1. The Withdraw Request option will cancel your ticket.

2. The Add attachment option will allow you to add and attachment to the ticket, this may be helpful on some ticket request as they can provide Technology Services with more information. 

3. The Comment option at the bottom of the page will allow you to communicate with the group that is working on your ticket. 

Returning to your Search Results

9. If you would like to view another ticket, click 'Ticket Requests' to go back to your submitted tickets search results and choose another ticket.

Additional Information:

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: TeamDynamix, TeamDynamix-Training, TDX



Article ID: 127469
Fri 2/5/21 7:06 PM
Tue 11/26/24 3:13 PM