Peoplesoft Manager Security Review
Fresno State University Security, Request, Peoplesoft
Article Summary:
Peoplesoft Manager Security Review is the process Managers go through to approve roles for My Fresno State
What is the Manager Review?
The Manager Review is an annual requirement from the California State University Chancellor's Office. The CSU is responsible for protecting confidential data, therefore, it requires user access to be revised periodically.
Who will be receiving Annual manager review emails?
All the managers identified having employees with Peoplesoft secured roles at the time the review began.
What is the source of the records listed in the Manager Review?
The users and roles are based on active, completed Security Requests. Since this information constantly changes, this review represents a snapshot of user access when the review began
I'm a supervisor, but I didn't get the Manager Review email. Why?
The Managers are pulled from HR records. Users must be set up as department managers to receive the Manager Review email.
How often do Managers have to do the Manager Review?
The Review process occurs annually as required by CSU Chancellor's Office.
Why am I getting this email?
You received this email because you have been identified as a manger with employees in Peoplesoft-secured roles. The Chancellor's Office requires the users' role to be reviewed.
Why didn't I get the Manager Review email if I am a manager?
There could be two possible reasons:
Your employees don't have Peoplesoft secure roles; therefore, there is nothing to review.
If your employee are Auxiliary employees, POI, or Volunteers, they won't be in the manager review.
How will I know that I need to complete the Manager Review
You will receive an email from the Peoplesoft Security Administration asking you to complete the Manager Review.
Where is the Manager Review?
The electronic form is stored online inside the My Fresno State portal.
How do I complete the Manager Review?
Log into My Fresno State Portal
Click on the Security Requests tile.
1. Log into My Fresno State Portal
2. Click on Security Requests
3. Click on Manager Review, click on Search
You may enter your department number or leave it blank
Only departments and users that you have been assigned to review will appear
4. All the records are on Pending Approvals status because they are pending for the manager to review them.
Click on Expand Display for Download to see the roles' description.
5. Approve or Deny each role with a check mark
If all roles will be approved, click on the Mark All As Approved button.
If some roles will be denied, click on the Mark All As Approved button, then put a check mark on the roles that will be denied and enter a comment.
6. Change the Approval Status to Completed Review
7. Click on Save Changes
If you deny any roles, the Peoplesoft Security group will remove them from the users.
This is an annual requirement; you will have the opportunity to review your employee's PS roles again next year.
Example E-mail Template
Annual Peoplesoft Manager Security Review
Dear Manager,
As part of the periodic audit requirements of applications system security, we are asking you to review the Peoplesoft security roles for CSU Employees assigned to you.
The Manager Review page is located under the Security Request tile in My Fresno State alowing you to view, approve or deny roles for your CSU Employees.
To complete the online Manager Review:
Log into My Fresno State, select Security Requests, then select Manager Review
Additional Information:
Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000.
TAGS: Security, Request, Peoplesoft