Confidentiality Agreement


This article outlines the process to agree with the Confidentiality Agreement required on a yearly basis.


Confidentiality Agreement

Fresno State University, Security, Confidentiality Agreement

Article Summary:
This article outlines the process to agree with the Confidentiality Agreement required on a yearly basis.

What is the Confidentiality Agreement for?

The California State University (CSU) system requires all employees with access to confidential information in My Fresno State, PeopleSoft or any other computerized information system to sign and consent to the Confidentiality Agreement. By selecting to “agree" the employee is acknowledging that they understand their responsibility and role in protecting confidential data.

Why is the update required if users already agreed before?

The CSU has responsibility to protect confidential data and maintain confidentiality of that data under the Information Practices Act (IPA) of 1977 and Title 5, California Code of Regulations. Each year, per the CSU mandate, all employees with access to confidential information are required to recertify their understanding of security and confidentiality of data.

There are 3 different instances when users will be asked to either accept or update the agreement:

  1. New employees who require access to confidential data as a part of their normal job.
  2. When an employee’s administrative access to confidential information changes
  3. Every year after the start of the Spring semester, all employees with access to confidential information must recertify the Confidentiality Agreement.

Who will be receiving Daily emails?

All the PeopleSoft users who have not agreed to the Confidentiality Agreement.

Who will be receiving Annual emails?

All the PeopleSoft users who have completed a year after their last Confidentiality Agreement.

Possible Question #1
Why am I getting this email?

You received this email because you have been granted secure access in PeopleSoft. The Confidentiality Agreement is a Chancellor’s Office requirement.

Possible Question #2
How will I know that I need to update the agreement?

You will receive an email from Information Security asking you to update the Confidentially Agreement. Thereafter, daily reminders will be sent until the agreement is updated. If the agreement has not been updated in a timely manner, the employee and their supervisor will be contacted to inquire about the delay in updating the agreement.

Possible Question #3
Where is the Confidentiality Agreement?

The electronic form is stored online inside My Fresno State portal

Possible Question #4
How do I accept the Confidentiality Agreement if I deleted the Confidentiality Agreement email?

  1. Log into My Fresno State Portal
  2. Click on the Security Request tile
  3. Click on Confidential Agreement
  4. Read the Terms of Agreement and click on the I Agree button
  5. It will take you to the confirmation page with a date/time stamp

Email template that will be used

From: PeopleSoft Security Administration
Subject: My Fresno State Administrative Access Confidentiality Agreement
To: Fresno State User

Required - My Fresno State Administrative Access Confidentiality Agreement


Your Confidentiality Agreement is an annual requirement that certifies your understanding of the security and confidentiality of data accessed as part of your normal job duties. Failure to complete this in a timely manner may result in your access being removed until the terms are accepted.

The Confidentiality Agreement is an electronic form stored in My Fresno State. Your agreement will be recorded in the California State University, Fresno Human Resources Office consistent with system-wide requirements. You will not be allowed access into My Fresno State's administrative functions until you have indicated your agreement.

To complete the online Confidentiality Agreement, log into My Fresno State, select Security Requests from My Homepage, then select Confidentiality Agreement.

Dear user, XYZ

This is a reminder to update your Confidentiality Agreement. Your agreement, an annual requirement, certifies your understanding of the security and confidentiality of data accessed as part of your normal job duties. Failure to complete this request in a timely manner may result in your access being removed until the terms are accepted. The Confidentiality Agreement is an electronic form stored in My Fresno State. Your agreement will be recorded in the California State University Fresno Human Resources Office consistent with system-wide requirements. You will not be allowed access into My Fresno State's administrative functions until you have indicated your agreement to complete the online Confidentiality Agreement.

Annual Recertification - My Fresno State Administrative Access Confidentiality Agreement

Additional Information:

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: Fresno State University, Security, Confidentiality Agreement




Article ID: 146276
Tue 8/30/22 11:39 AM
Fri 11/22/24 8:40 PM