Fixing the Error - "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac."


Getting the message "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac." This article will walk you through the process of fixing this issue.


Fixing the Error - "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac." 

Fresno State University, Office 365, Mac

Article Summary: 
Getting the message "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac." This article will walk you through the process of fixing this issue. 


If you see this error and have verified that you have a MS365 license applied to your Fresno State account, please try the following steps to remedy the problem. If you are not sure if you have a license applied to your account, please call the Technology Service Desk at 559 278 5000.

Option 1: Verify you can login to the Microsoft portal to ensure valid credentials for the account are being entered. Test your login here, your email should end with ''.

Option 2: Try deleting the keychain password on your Mac and then rebooting 

  1. Open Finder, and then open the Applications
  2. Open the Utilities folder:
  3. Open Keychain Access.
  4. Select the Search Bar in the top right corner.
  5. Search for and delete all references to 'Microsoft Office Credentials':
  6. Close Keychain Access.
  7. Restart your computer.
  8. You may then proceed to activate Microsoft Office

Option 3: Try following the instructions from Microsoft to resolve this issue, this will remove your current license and download a new license from you Fresno State account. Find instructions for this option here.

Option 4: Manually clear stored credentials from the computer:

  1. Sign out account and Quit Office apps.
  2. Open finder
  3. Click "go" on the top menu bar
  4. Go to folder
  5. Input the following path: ~/library/Group Containers to open Group Containers.
  6. Ctrl+click each of these folders if present, and Move to Trash.

  7. Restart Office and click "Activate" to sign back into your O365 account

Option 5: After all other option have been attempted, reinstall the software.

  1. Uninstall Office 365 from you device
  2. Reboot the computer
  3. Navigate to and sign in
  4. From the upper right hand corner of the Microsoft home page, choose "Install office"
  5. Once downloaded, install the software and login again

Additional Information: Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: Office 365, Mac, Editing



Article ID: 121316
Mon 11/30/20 4:38 PM
Wed 11/20/24 8:42 PM