Duo and Global Protect - VPN - Mac


This knowledge base article is about connecting your Mac device to the Fresno State VPN service using Global Protect.


How to download, install and log into the Global Protect VPN.

Fresno State University, VPN, Remote Work

Article Summary:
Wondering how to use the Duo and Global Protect VPN for Mac? This knowledge base article is about connecting your Mac device to the Fresno State VPN service using Global Protect.


Downloading installing, and logging into Global Protect

  1.  Open your Web-Browser and navigate to vpn.csufresno.edu. Once you are on the webpage you will log in using your Fresno State Username and Password. This is the same Username and password that you use to log into your Fresno State computer or laptop.

  1.  Once logged in you will now be asked what version of Global Protect you want to download.  For Mac computers please download Mac 32/64 bit Global Protect Agent. 

  1. When you click on the download Mac 32/64 a popup window will appear and ask you if you will allow the download please click Allow.

  1. After clicking allow download a new window will appear. In the new window please click Continue.

  1. Next it will ask you where you want to install the program. The program will be installed on the “Macintosh HD” this should be the default selection. Next click Continue.

  1. After downloading and uncompromising the install screen should pop up, Click continue. Please note that a window my popup asking for a password. This will be the password you use to log into your Mac computer

  1. After completing the downloading and uncompromising the install application your computer will then ask you were you want to install the application. Again, please select “Macintosh HD”, this should be selected by default. Now click install.

  1. After clicking install a window will appear with your User Name. It will then ask you to type in your password. This password is the same password that you use to log into your Mac computer.

  1. Once the application has installed you will see a message " The installation was successful" with a green check mark. Now please click on the close button.
  1. You have now installed Global Protect. To start up Global protect you will click on the world icon on your Mac menu bar. In the Global Protect window enter the portal address vpn.csufresno.edu

  1. Click Connect 

  1. While the Global Protect is connecting you will get a popup Web-Browser window taking you to our Campus Login Service webpage. Please login with your Fresno State username and password. After successfully logging in your VPN connection will connect. 

  1. After successfully  logging in through the popup window you should now be connected to the VPN.

Additional Information:

Need additional information or assistance? Contact the Technology Service Desk at (559) 278-5000. 

TAGS: Mac, VPN, Global-Protect



Article ID: 100423
Mon 3/9/20 5:39 PM
Wed 11/27/24 3:46 PM